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How to craft a Scholarship Recommendation letter

How to write a good recommendation letter.

Scholarships can be a game-changer for students, offering financial support to help them pursue their dreams and educational aspirations. However, applying for scholarships can be highly competitive, and a well-crafted recommendation letter can make all the difference. If you’ve been asked to write a scholarship recommendation letter, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with valuable tips, a sample template, and illustrative examples to help you write an effective letter that can help a deserving student stand out.

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What does a letter of recommendation for a scholarship entail?:

A letter of recommendation for scholarships or academic purposes serves as a document where a third party provides a description of themselves, explains their relationship with you, and offers reasons why they recommend you for a particular study or scholarship program.

By requesting a letter of recommendation, the institution or scholarship provider aims to obtain a second opinion regarding your proposed application. This serves as a means to verify your character and evaluate your performance. Essentially, the primary purpose of a recommendation letter is to validate the information you have provided in other documents, such as your CV and Motivation Letter, while also gathering supplementary details about your profile.

Who is suitable to write a Recommendation Letter for a Scholarship?:

Contrary to popular belief, recommendation letters do not necessarily have to be written by individuals in high-ranking positions, such as faculty deans or company general managers. Scholarship institutions prefer letters from individuals who have had direct interaction with you and possess firsthand knowledge of your personality and performance. Hence, it is advisable to select references such as professors, thesis supervisors, supervisors at work, or, in certain cases, colleagues who can provide valuable insights into your qualifications.

Tips for Formatting the Header of a Recommendation Letter:

  1. Use a recent date: It is important to ensure that the letter is current and not a generic one that has been used for previous applications.
  2. Include a clear title or motive: Use a concise and descriptive title such as “Letter of Recommendation” or “Reference” to clearly indicate the purpose of the letter.
  3. Address the letter specifically to the program or scholarship provider: The recommendation letter should explicitly state who it is intended for, demonstrating personalization and importance. Avoid using generic salutations like “To whom it may concern.” Instead, consider addressing the letter to specific recipients, such as:

“Colleagues of the Faculty of Economic Sciences…”
“Members of the admissions committee…”
“University of…”

By following these tips, you can ensure that the header of your recommendation letter is well-formatted and effectively conveys the purpose and target audience of the letter.

Tips for the Content of a Recommendation Letter:

Ensure that your recommendation letter includes the following elements:

Reason for recommendation: The person writing the letter should explain the specific reasons why they are recommending you and explicitly mention the program or scholarship to which they are recommending you.

Introduction of the writer and their relationship to you: The person writing the letter should mention their position, the institution they are affiliated with, and the nature of their relationship with you. For example:

“As a teacher of the International Relations course at the National University…”
“David was my student in the class of…”

Description of the program or work: The letter should provide contextual information about the program or work you are applying for, highlighting its significance. For example:

“The Mechanical Engineering program requires approximately 20 hours of study…”
“Teamwork is essential to carry out these activities…”
“It is a position with significant responsibility since…”

Reasons for recommending you: The writer should describe your personality, academic achievements, and/or professional skills that make you an excellent candidate for the program. For example:

“Pepe demonstrated excellent problem-solving skills and a strong command of…”
“During Juana’s time working with me, she stood out for her…”
“I recognize Pepe as a person who is…”

Reinforcement of recommendation: In the closing part of the letter, the writer should emphasize that you are the ideal candidate for the program. For example:

“I am confident that Pepe will bring significant value to the program of…”
“I strongly believe that Juana…”
“Additionally, he/she is…”

Availability for further information: It is beneficial if the writer indicates their willingness to answer any questions from the selection committee. For example:

“For any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me.”
“I am available to address any questions you may have.”

Read Also: How to Write a Scholarship Application Letter

Tips to Obtain Good Letters of Recommendation for Scholarships:

Request letters in advance: Give your recommenders ample time to write your letter of recommendation. They may have multiple commitments and responsibilities, so providing at least one month’s notice is recommended. Be mindful of the application deadline and ensure that all documentation is submitted on time.

Share your CV and motivation letter: To help your recommenders write a strong letter, provide them with your curriculum vitae (CV) and motivation letter. This will give them a better understanding of your background, accomplishments, and aspirations within the program or scholarship you are applying for. Schedule a meeting with your recommenders to discuss your experiences and plans in detail.

Choose appropriate references for academic recommendations: If you have graduated more than two years ago and have lost touch with your professors, it is crucial to carefully select individuals who can serve as references. Consider reaching out to teachers with whom you had a strong connection or who witnessed your outstanding performance. Before asking for a recommendation, establish initial contact to rekindle the relationship. This can be done via email, phone call, or even a personal visit. Update them on your recent endeavors, share your plans for further studies, and seek their opinion and advice.

Maintain a professional and respectful approach: When requesting a letter of recommendation, approach your potential recommenders in a professional and respectful manner. Clearly communicate your intentions, provide context for the scholarship or program you are applying to, and explain why you believe they would be the ideal person to write your recommendation. Express your gratitude for their time and support.

Follow up and express appreciation: After your recommenders have submitted their letters, make sure to thank them sincerely for their effort and support. A thoughtful email or handwritten note expressing your gratitude can go a long way in maintaining positive relationships and acknowledging their contribution to your application.

Formatting Tips for Scholarship Recommendation Letters:

When formatting a scholarship recommendation letter, consider the following tips:

Follow application guidelines: Ensure that your recommendation letter adheres to the specific guidelines provided by the institution or scholarship program. This may include using a designated format, specifying the preferred writers, or requesting the letter to be sent in a sealed envelope. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in disqualification, so it’s essential to carefully read and follow the guidelines.

Language: If the scholarship program is in English or requires proficiency in English, it is ideal to have the recommendation letter written in English. Additionally, the reference should be able to answer any questions in English. However, if this is not possible, you can attach an official translation of the letter to ensure comprehension by the selection committee.

Length: It is recommended to keep the recommendation letter concise and focused. Aim for a length of 1 to 1.5 pages, using standard fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri, size 12. Ensure normal spacing and margins to maintain readability. Strive for a balance between providing concrete information and being descriptive enough to showcase the applicant’s qualifications.

Letterhead: Ideally, the recommendation letter should be written on the official letterhead of the institution or organization where the recommender is affiliated. This adds formality and credibility to the document. If the recommender does not have a letterhead, they can include their contact information at the top of the letter, including their name, title, institution, and contact details.

By following these formatting tips, you can present a professional and well-structured recommendation letter that meets the requirements of the scholarship program and effectively supports the applicant’s candidacy.

Scholarship Recommendation Letter Sample:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Scholarship Committee]
[Scholarship Organization]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Scholarship Committee],

I am writing this letter to highly recommend Student’s Name for the Scholarship Name. I have had the pleasure of working with Student’s Name for duration of time as your relationship to the student, e.g., teacher, mentor, supervisor.

Student’s Name is an exceptional individual who possesses a unique combination of intelligence, dedication, and passion. Throughout our time together, I have witnessed their unwavering commitment to academic excellence and personal growth. They consistently demonstrate a strong work ethic, a thirst for knowledge, and a genuine enthusiasm for their chosen field of study.

One of Student’s Name’s most impressive qualities is their ability to think critically and solve complex problems. They have a remarkable analytical mind and can approach challenges from multiple perspectives, often coming up with innovative solutions. Their intellectual curiosity and eagerness to learn make them a standout student.

Moreover, Student’s Name is not only academically talented but also a compassionate and empathetic individual. They actively engage in community service initiatives and have made a significant impact on the lives of others. Their leadership skills and ability to collaborate effectively make them an asset to any team or organization.

Based on their outstanding academic achievements, exceptional character, and dedication to making a positive difference, I wholeheartedly believe that Student’s Name is an ideal candidate for the Scholarship Name. I am confident that they will continue to excel in their academic pursuits and contribute meaningfully to society.

Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or have any questions. Thank you for considering Student’s Name for this prestigious scholarship opportunity.


[Your Name]
[Your Title/Position]
[Your Institution/Organization]

Please note that this is just a sample recommendation letter, and it’s important to personalize it based on your specific relationship with the student and their achievements.

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