Scholarship Tips


Scholarship Guide.

1. Scholarships for International Students – What You Need to Know!

A Comprehensive Guide to study Abroad.

Many students have the dream of studying abroad, as it offers a wide range of opportunities such as making new friends, gaining internship experience, exploring different parts of the world, building professional connections, and immersing oneself in a new culture. However, the process of making this dream a reality can be intimidating, especially if you’re on a tight budget.

Unfortunately, there is a common misconception among students that studying abroad is too expensive and they are unsure where to begin with the scholarship application process in a foreign country. The good news is that there are numerous study abroad scholarships available for international students who are interested in pursuing a course or degree abroad. These opportunities can vary from scholarships that cover your flight expenses to those that provide full funding for your entire study abroad experience.

Universities often offer scholarships specifically designed for international students to enhance the diversity of their student body and enrich the cultural experience on campus. Additionally, there are numerous organizations that provide scholarships as a means of promoting global education and international relations. The key to successfully obtaining a scholarship to study abroad is knowing where to find international scholarships and determining which ones you are eligible for. Once you have identified the available support and learned how to apply for scholarships, the next step is choosing your preferred university destination.

Whether you are seeking funding for an entire study program or just for a semester abroad, our comprehensive guide will help you discover all the scholarships available for studying abroad and assist you in making your dreams come true.

2. How Much Does it Cost to Study Abroad?

international scholarship for Nigerians


The cost of studying abroad can vary significantly depending on factors such as the duration of your studies, the city you choose to study in, and the type of accommodation you opt for. Naturally, full study abroad programs tend to be more expensive compared to a single semester or course abroad. Additionally, there is a notable difference between seeking funds to study abroad for free and covering only a portion of the expenses. Therefore, it is crucial to plan your studies in advance to determine the level of financial support you will require.

Apart from tuition fees, there are several other factors to consider. One of the major expenses will be the cost of living in your new city. It is important to research the average cost of accommodation, as well as the affordability of food. Will you be dining out frequently or cooking for yourself? Do you plan on exploring the local bar and restaurant scene? Are you interested in traveling during your time abroad?

Other considerations should include the expenses related to your chosen courses, visa requirements, and potential sources of income outside of your studies. Do your courses necessitate the purchase of expensive materials? What are the costs associated with obtaining a visa or a residence permit? Are there opportunities for part-time work?

While studying abroad may initially seem costly, there are various ways to manage your budget effectively. For instance, consider finding a roommate to share the cost of rent. Cooking for yourself whenever possible can also help save money, as eating out can become expensive, especially when combined with drinks. Additionally, take advantage of student discounts. Many renowned attractions and landmarks offer significant discounts if you present your student ID. Even if you secure partial scholarships for studying abroad, proper budgeting and utilizing student discounts can greatly ease your financial situation.

3. What Will a Study Abroad Scholarship Cover?

The utilization of scholarship funds can vary significantly depending on the specific international scholarships you receive and their providers. Most scholarships are intended to cover the essential costs associated with studying. This typically includes tuition fees, student fees, expenses for books and other educational materials, as well as any other school-related costs. In certain cases, a portion of your living expenses, such as accommodation and food, may also be covered.

On the other hand, there are scholarships for studying abroad that offer more flexibility. These scholarships may provide you with a lump sum of money that can be allocated towards your studies in a manner that you deem appropriate. However, it is important to note that the funds are still intended to support your education, so responsible spending is expected. The key difference is that you have the ability to prioritize your own budget and allocate the financial assistance accordingly.

When applying for scholarships, it is crucial to carefully review the terms and conditions. Donors or organizations may impose certain requirements or expectations, as the scholarship is often viewed as an investment in your education rather than a simple gift to enable you to study abroad for free. As a result, there are often conditions attached to the scholarship. It is common for international scholarships to mandate the maintenance of a specific grade or performance level throughout your studies in order to continue receiving financial aid.

Another important consideration is the timing of the scholarship disbursement. Scholarships for studying abroad are typically paid out in full before the start of the semester. However, in certain situations, the funds may be distributed in installments throughout the academic year.

Furthermore, it is essential to be aware of whether the scholarship funds will be awarded directly to the student or to the university. Each educational institution or organization has its own procedures and guidelines regarding the disbursement of scholarship funds. Therefore, it is advisable to inquire in advance to avoid any unexpected financial burdens without sufficient funds to cover them.

4. Who Provides Study Abroad Scholarships?



Scholarships can originate from various entities, and it is often possible for you to be eligible for multiple scholarships. It is important to review the guidelines of all study abroad scholarships to determine your eligibility. There are diverse sources of scholarships, including:

  • Universities
  • Governments
  • Organizations
  • Businesses
  • Private donors

These institutions are often managed or influenced by individuals who have personally experienced studying abroad and recognize the value of an international education. They typically maintain lists of previous scholarship recipients, which can provide valuable insights. Therefore, while exploring how to secure a scholarship for studying abroad, it is beneficial to explore the profiles of past scholarship awardees and reach out to them for guidance. It is worth noting that the availability of scholarships for international students may vary from one country to another.

Regardless of the type of scholarship you choose to apply for, it is essential to remain patient and persistent. Scholarships serve as an excellent means to support your aspirations of studying abroad. Continue reading to gain further understanding about the diverse scholarship providers.

University Scholarships

Universities are proactive in assisting their students in finding study abroad scholarships and international grants. The admissions offices may either automatically provide scholarships and grants during the application process or require students to apply for financial aid in advance.

To discover scholarships for international students through a college or university, it is advisable to consult with an academic advisor or the financial aid office. The advisor can offer recommendations on various scholarships for which you may be eligible based on factors such as academic achievements, athletic abilities, special talents, or financial need. Scholarships provided by a specific university can be in the form of full-tuition coverage or partial payments.

For short-term study programs, it is important to check with the host institution where you plan to study abroad. They may offer additional financial aid if the scholarship provided by your home university is insufficient to cover all expenses. If you are pursuing an entire degree program at a foreign university, it is worth investigating whether your new institution offers scholarships specifically for international students. Many universities aim to meet a certain quota of international students and, therefore, provide financial aid as an incentive. This means that studying abroad tuition-free is indeed possible at certain institutions!

Government Scholarships

When seeking information on obtaining a scholarship to study abroad, it is important not to overlook government scholarships. Federal or state governments can be a valuable source of financial aid for international students.

For instance, in the United States, the government is the largest provider of need-based financial aid, primarily through the Pell Grant. State governments within the U.S., such as California or New York, may also offer grants and scholarships for residents attending college within their respective states. Additionally, foreign governments may provide international grants or global scholarships for international students to pursue studies in their countries.

To discover available grants and scholarships from governments, it is recommended to reach out to the embassy of the specific country. They can provide more detailed information regarding the opportunities available.

Private and Individual Donor Scholarships

Numerous companies, foundations, community organizations, and clubs offer sponsorships in the form of scholarships for studying abroad. These private scholarships can be provided by a range of institutions, including labor unions, religious centers, public organizations, or clubs. They are often referred to as “external” or “private scholarships” and typically consist of one-time financial assistance. The amount of these scholarships may vary, and they usually come with specific eligibility requirements established by the donors.

Individual donors, on the other hand, are individuals who have established private funds to provide financial aid to students. These study abroad scholarships are granted based on academic merit or financial need, depending on the preferences of the donor.

When searching for international scholarships offered by individual donors, it often requires a bit more effort. While some of these scholarships may be advertised, more often than not, you will need to actively seek them out on your own.

5. The Different Types of Study Abroad Scholarships

Finding the Right International Scholarships

Now that you are aware of where to find international scholarships, it is important to understand the various types of scholarships available before delving into the application process. Grants and scholarships may have different eligibility criteria and cover different expenses related to studying abroad.

By engaging in proper planning and research, you can quickly secure financial aid for your study abroad journey, whether through merit-based scholarships, need-based scholarships, specialized scholarships for specific fields of study, or other forms of assistance that you qualify for. Explore the following types of scholarships for international students to choose the one that suits you best:

Merit-based Scholarships:

Merit scholarships are commonly associated with academic excellence.
Academic achievements, such as grades, are often considered for eligibility.
Special talents, including athletics and music, might also be taken into account.
These scholarships primarily cover tuition fees, either partially or in full.

Need-based Scholarships:

Need-based scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate financial need.
The scholarship provider assesses the income and ability to pay of the student’s parents or the student themselves, depending on their support structure.
Factors considered may include citizenship, residence status, household size, tax statements, and employment.
Need-based scholarships aim to support students who cannot afford tuition and study-related costs.

Athletic Scholarships:

Athletic scholarships are offered by universities to recruit talented athletes for their sports teams.
Full-ride scholarships for athletes, covering all educational expenses, are common, particularly in the United States.
These scholarships are typically awarded based on athletic performance, often during high school.
Athletes who receive these scholarships must balance rigorous training with academic studies.

Remember to consult with your financial aid advisor to determine which types of international scholarships you qualify for based on your individual circumstances.

Scholarships for Specific Programs or Fields

Scholarships that are specific to a particular program or field of study are often available at different academic levels, such as bachelor’s or master’s degrees. These scholarships are tailored to support students pursuing a particular program, such as engineering or nursing.

For instance, a university may offer scholarships for master’s degree students across various disciplines, or the engineering faculty may have specific scholarships for students enrolled in master’s programs within the field of engineering.

Program-specific scholarships can be provided directly by the educational institution or by private donors associated with the university, such as alumni who have established scholarship foundations. In some cases, these scholarships may be offered automatically upon admission to the university, eliminating the need for a separate application process.

Within this category, there are also scholarships available specifically for international students. Some universities may focus on attracting students in specific fields of study to enhance their international student population in those programs.

Minority Scholarships

If you identify as a member of a minority group, there are scholarship opportunities tailored specifically for you. Many universities strive to ensure equal access to education and, therefore, offer scholarships to individuals from marginalized groups who may face barriers to educational opportunities compared to more privileged students.

These scholarships are designed to support various minority groups, including but not limited to women, racial or ethnic minorities, and members of the LGBTQ community. By providing these scholarships, universities aim to promote diversity and inclusivity within their student populations.

6. Applying for a Study Abroad Scholarship

how to apply for scholarship


How to Apply for a Scholarship:

After conducting your research and identifying the scholarships you may be eligible for, it’s time to learn how to apply for them. While this step may seem daunting, following the specific application criteria can increase your chances of success. Remember that competition for scholarships is fierce, so pay attention to detail and present your best work. Here are some tips to make the application process easier:

  • Create a Checklist:

Organize your scholarship applications by making a list of the scholarships you plan to apply for.
Note down the requirements for each scholarship, such as transcripts, recommendation letters, and essays.
Rank the scholarships based on eligibility, considering the ones you are most qualified for and those that may be more competitive.
Having an organized list will help you stay on track and gather the necessary documents efficiently.

  • Gather the Required Documentation:

Transcripts, essays, and recommendation letters are crucial components of your scholarship application.
Double-check the application requirements to ensure you haven’t missed any additional documents.
Requesting official transcripts and recommendation letters can take time, so start this process early to meet the application deadline.
Transcripts can be official (sealed and directly delivered) or unofficial (printouts of your grades). Read the application instructions carefully to determine which type is required.

  • Write an Impressive Essay:

Many scholarship applications require an essay or personal statement.
Take your time to craft a compelling and well-written essay that showcases your strengths, accomplishments, and aspirations.
Pay attention to the prompt and ensure your essay addresses the specific requirements.
Consider seeking feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to improve your essay before submitting it.

  • Request Recommendation Letters:

Contact potential recommenders early in the process to give them ample time to write a thoughtful letter.
Choose individuals who can speak to your academic abilities, character, and potential for success.
Provide recommenders with any necessary information or materials they may need to write a strong letter on your behalf.
Send polite reminders as the deadline approaches to ensure the letters are submitted on time.

  • Review and Proofread:

Before finalizing your application, carefully review all the documents and ensure they meet the stated requirements.
Check for spelling and grammatical errors in your essay and other written materials.
Consider having someone else proofread your application to catch any mistakes you may have missed.

  • Submit the Application:

Follow the specified instructions for submitting your application.
Pay attention to any specific submission methods, such as online platforms or mailing addresses.
Submit your application before the deadline to ensure it is considered for review.

Be patient!

Remember, applying for scholarships takes time and effort, but the potential rewards are worth it. Stay organized, plan ahead, and put your best foot forward in your application. Good luck with your study abroad dreams!

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